Vocab for Speaking, Abstract questions

vocab for IELTS speaking

Giving opinion/ Expressing Opinion:

In my opinion/ In my view…
My view is that/ My point of view is that…
I reckon/ I feel/ Personally speaking…
As far as I am concerned…
It seems to me that…
Well, I would say…
I would like to point out…
If you want my opinion…
The way I look it…
As I see it…
The point I am trying to make is…
I think/believe that…
I suppose/ presume/ would say…
I think most people would agree that…
I believe it is hard to deny that…
I strongly believe that…
I think none would deny that…

To repeat a statement/ Rephrasing:

What I actually meant was…
To express it another way…
Another way to say it…
Another way of saying it is…
Let me put it this/another way…
What I mean is…
To rephrase what I have just said…
What I want to say is…
What I am trying to say is…

Giving an Example:

Take ………., for example…
A good example of this is…
To give an example…
I can give a relevant example here…
Look at…….., for instance.

Giving an explanation:

Well, the reason is…
Well, the thing is…
What I mean is…
The reason for this is…

Asking for help/ Asking to repeat something/ Asking for an explanation:

I am not sure what you meant by (…)
Could you please, say that in other words?
Could you please, repeat the question?
Do you mean……….?
I am sorry. Could you please, repeat that?
I beg your pardon…
Could you please repeat that…?
Could you please explain it to me in another way?
I did not quite get that. Did you mean…?

Agreeing with an opinion:

I quite agree…
I completely agree that…
Yes, Indeed…
I could not agree more…
I entirely/totally agree with you on that…
That’s exactly how I see it…
That’s exactly what I think/ believe…
Precisely/ Exactly/ Certainly/ Definitely…
You are quite right about…
You have just read my mind…
Yes, that’s obvious…

Disagreeing with an opinion:

I possess a different view…
I must disagree with the view that…
I am afraid I believe/ see it otherwise…
This might be true in some context but…
I am inclined to oppose the view that…
I am afraid I disagree…
Yes, perhaps, but…
Well, it depends…
I see what you mean, but this is not the whole story…
Yes, but there is also another aspect to consider…
I don’t quite agree that…
Well, that’s one way to look at that, but…
I am not quite so sure that…


I mean…
Or, should I say…
Or, rather…
… would be more precise…

Buying some time/ Stalling for time:

That’s an interesting/ difficult/ tough question…
I have never really thought about it, but…
I don’t know much about it but…
I have not given enough thought on that…
Well, not sure where should I start…

Commenting on your own ideas:

I know this may sound obvious but…
This may sound strange but…
I am not sure if this is the correct example…
Strange it may seem but…
I am sorry to have to say this but…
Though this is very sad, this is the reality…

Getting to the point:

To get to the main point…
Anyway, to get to the point…
The main point I want to make is that…
So, to turn to my original point…

Expressing certainty:

I am absolutely convinced that…
There is no denying that…
Nobody will deny that…
It is a fact that…

Introducing other ideas/contrasting ideas:

On the other hand…
On the contrary…
To look at it another way…
Then again…
From a different perspective…
From a different point of view…

To interrupt:

Sorry to interrupt…
If I may interrupt…

Drawing the conclusion/ Ending a point/ discussion:

In summary, I can say that…
So, that’s why I think that…
Anyway, that’s why…








Not mine, taken from the internet

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