Star Listening test 4 answers

Star Listening test 4 answers

Section 1

  1. play
  2. shoes
  3. factory
  4. talk
  5. food
  6. Michaelsson
  7. fashion
  8. leaves
  9. towel
  10. space

Section 2

  1. B
  2. F
  3. H
  4. E
  5. A
  6. G
  7. G
  8. E
  9. A
  10. C

Section 3

  1. B
  2. H
  3. E
  4. A
  5. D
  6. F
    27/28 B,D (in either order)
    29/30 D,E (in either order)

Section 4

  1. strength
  2. oxen
  3. sails
  4. mines
  5. metal
  6. Trains
  7. electricity
  8. plastic(s)
  9. population
  10. inequality

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