IELTS on Track Reading and Listening 4

IELTS on track test 4

Listening  test 4

1.  C

2.  533 East 67(th)

3.  93014269

4.  CX/Cathay  Pacific 912

5. C

6. B

7. A

8. Clear  customs

9. Passport, key , ticket, baggage claim number

10.                  Passport, key, ticket, baggage claim number (any two)

Section 2

11.                  10 (am) to 5 (pm)


13.                  3

14.                  4

15.                  2

16.                  10th to 14th  (March)

17.                  $35

18.                  $299

19.                  7:30 (am)

20.                  $2.50

Section 3

21.                  G

22.                  A

23.                  C

24.                  C

25.                  A

26.                  B

27.                  B

28.                  A

29.                  Select (all) films

30.                  Design (the) program

Section 4

31.                  Clay/plastic

32.                  reeds

33.                  Underground

34.                  Tested

35.                  Compost/soil

36.                  (healthy  natural) home/habitat

37.                  Labour/labor

38.                  Increases

39.                  Unions/manufacturers

40.                  Efficiency/mosquitoes/popularity

IELTS on Track: Test 4

Reading test 4


1. No

2. Not  Given

3. No

4. No

5. Yes

6. Yes

7. B

8. A

9. A

10.                  B

11.                  B

12.                  C

13.                  B


Just relax…

14.                  III

15.                  II

16.                  VI

17.                  VII

18.                  IX

19.                  Bible

20.                  Magnets and water

21.                  Physiological/human

22.                  (mental) concentration

23.                  (fully) aware

24.                  A

25.                  D

26.                  B

27.                  D

28.                  C

Kids and sport: Passage 3

29.                                                                                                 Freedom

30.                                                                                                 Organised

31.                                                                                                 Sports grounds/sports hall

32.                                                                                                 Intensive/sport(s)

33.                                                                                                 One

34.                                                                                                 Assessment/criticism

35.                                                                                                 Fun

36.                                                                                                 Pressure

37.                                                                                                 C

38.                                                                                                 B

39.                                                                                                 D

40.                                                                                                 B

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