IELTS Exam overview

IELTS stands for International Enlish Language Testing System

This exam consists of 4 parts


There are two types of IELTS test.
Academic IELTS
General IELTS

The total time of an IELTS test is 2 hours 45 minutes. The listening, reading and writing parts are completed in one sitting in a common exam auditorium in the same day, while the speaking part is taken individually with an expert IELTS examiner on the same day or up to a week before or after the other tests. The Listening and Speaking modules of the IETLS test are the same for Academic and General IELTS. But the Reading and Writing modules are different.

IELTS exam has 4 sections or modules: Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking. All IELTS candidates take the same Listening and Speaking tests, but Reading and Writing tests vary depending on whether a candidate is taking the ‘Academic IELTS’ test or the ‘General Training IELTS’ test.

You’ll take the first three parts of the test on the same day, in the following order: Listening, Reading and Writing (there are no breaks between these tests). Your Speaking test will be held either on the same day or seven days before or after that, depending on local arrangements.

4 sections of the IELTS test:

Speaking – an interview with an examiner, 10-15 minutes.
Listening – 4 sections, 40 questions, 30 minutes.
Reading – 3 sections, 40 questions, 60 minutes [different for Academic or General Training tests].
Writing – 2 writing tasks, 60 minutes [different for Academic or General Training tests].

These links will help you.

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