Essay sentences improvement 1

Essay sentences improvement

Let’s start:
People do higher studies for knowledge, respect, career and to be aware about various cultures.

Apart from the career, people seek higher studies to gain knowledge, to enhance social status and learn more about diverse cultures.
Your turn:
People use mobile phones for entertainment, connectivity and news.
Children read books to enhance vocabulary, understand subjects and to be creative.
Physical exercises keep people physically fit, remove stress and help them to make new friends.
Second set:
Students join colleges and universities for a good career.
Career is probably the primary and most important reason for people to attend colleges and universities.
Your turn:
Governments make strict rules to control pollution for the risk of global warming.





Job market is becoming competitive now a days.
The job market is very competitive now a day compared to any other time in past.
Your turn
Life is hectic now a days.
Healthy diet is becoming scarce now a days.
People are getting addicted to mobile phones.

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