Essay 7

IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay:
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with no specialist knowledge of the following topic.

It is important for children to learn the difference between right and wrong at an early age. Punishment is necessary to help them learn this distinction.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
What sort of punishment should parents and teachers be allowed to use to teach good behaviour to children?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
There is an opinion that punishment is a necessary tool to mould children into a better person and it seems correct to a large extent.
However, it is also true that excess of punishment can make a child stubborn.
In my opinion, punishments must not be physical in nature in any case.

Punishment will make them aware of the fact that they are accountable for their immoral or wrong acts.
It will deter them from repeating the same misbehaviour.
Children must learn what they can and cannot do.
Ignoring the mistakes can have detrimental effects on children behaviour
vulnerable, specially,in this age of social media.
Chances are high that if not stopped, children may repeat the wrong behaviour or acts.
some lessons accompany penalties, if not learnt properly.
children will think twice before doing or repeating a mistake.
They will stay away from such acts
Punishments must not be physical in nature.
physical punishments can make children stubborn/in extreme cases, even suicide
keep in mind that basic underlying idea is to make a child understand, not to hurt the child physically or emotionally.
specially, nowadays, when children are very sensitive
best way is to lead by example, children imitate their parents, teachers.

A harsh punishment can have psychological impacts/consequences
mild punishment is the key
minor punishments
restrictions on favorite program for a short while example
household chores, cleaning of the rooms, saying sorry
No doubt, punishments are instrumental in shaping the character of a child. However, it is also true that physical punishments can have the unexpected results.





Sample answer by Navneet

What sort of punishment should parents and teachers be allowed to use to teach good behavior to children?

A part of crowd asserts that punishment will work best in order to teach children to differentiate between right and wrong and make them responsible. I completely disagree with the given notion, as I believe that punishment makes children stubborn instead of improving their behavior. Whereas, in situations where punishment is necessary, parents and teachers should choose such methods that will not harm children mentally as well as physically.

To commence with, there is a deluge of arguments to prove that punishment is not always required to put a child to right path and there are other best methods available. The most pivotal method is to realize children that they are wrong by quoting some examples. To elucidate, parents can tell the stories to children, which include some morals to learn, to make children able to distinguish between right and wrong. In this way, children will not be forced to exhibit acceptable behavior, but they will wiling behave properly. However, if parents will keep on punishing their children it will make them stubborn and they will fail to learn the etiquettes. Hence, the aforementioned ways will make it less-troublesome for parents to teach their children good values.

Similarly, there are several kinds of non-harming punishments that parents and teachers could use to modify the behavior of children. The primary one is that parents can limit the play time, in order to demotivated the children to repeat the bad behavior. For instance, if a child is exhibiting inappropriate behavior in front of others, parents could take away the gadgets and limit the play hours and make children to study more. Certainly, this will work in restricting children from committing bad activities. Moreover, teachers can punish students by giving them assignments to complete in a limited period of time. Thus, these kinds of punishments will not hinder with physical and mental growth of children, while at the same time will prove beneficial for improving their behavior.

In summary, though children are mischievous, punishment is not always required to enable them to differentiate between right and wrong. However, if required, harmless ways could be used to punish them.

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