Essay 21

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Some people believe that smartphones are destroying social interaction today.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Easy connectivity/always stay in touch/even loved ones who are miles apart/video call is as good as a face to face communication
group chats/sharing of pictures/videos/
remind birthdays/anniversaries/ new trend of joining functions online when not possible otherwise.
social media even allows to be in contact with old friends/past colleagues/people whom we don’t meet on a regular basis
refutation (optional)

fear of isolation and getting engrossed in social media/games
specially with children or spouses

On the other hand, some people favour/oppose the trend because they believe that …………………..
refute(cancel this idea with a logical argument)……
However, refute (cancel this idea with a logical argument)

Though many people are of the opinion that smart phones have a detrimental effect on the social interactions, there are others who do not agree with this notion.
I personally feel that advent of technology has facilitated the communication. This essay shall dwell upon my perspective in the subsequent paragraphs.
Usage of modern technology in the form of smart phones is usually blamed for the depleting social interactions.
However, there are various factors which prove otherwise. This essay shall dwell upon my perspective in the subsequent paragraphs.
Unlike in the past, when people had no option but to talk face to face, nowadays smart phones have made it easier to be in touch without actually meeting.
My inclination falls in line with the view that this is a positive development for better social connectivity.

So, the fear of social connectivity being hampered by technology is unwarranted or baseless.

sample answer from Navneet

A part of crowd is of opinion that smartphones block the communication among people in society. However, I completely disagree with this given notion, since I believe that smartphone not only facilitates social interaction but also, contributes in strengthening the relationships.

To commence with, there is a deluge of arguments to prove that smartphone is not less than a boon, when it comes about the communication. The most conspicuous one is that if people are able to communicate with their family members and friends, who stays several kilometers away from them, is just because of the availability of smartphones. To elucidate, with the help of social media application, people can make audio or video calls to communicate with any one from any corner of globe. Hence, smartphones have made it trouble-free for people to get connected with their kith and kin, no matter how far they are staying from each other.

Additionally, thanks to smartphones that nowadays people are even able to make friends with people from countries other than their residential. While previously, they were confined to communicate only with those living next to them. Moreover, people of same interest can make groups on social media applications available on smartphones, and can share their ideas to help each other. For instance, there are several groups on Facebook to practice English speaking, in which people can share their thoughts and even can make calls to each other to interact. Certainly, cellphones have made it easier than ever for people to conversate with anyone, irrespective of their countries.

In summary, cellular phones have made it uncomplicated for people to carry out a conversation with each other and not at all act as a blockage in communication.

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