Essay 19

There are severe social consequences to housing shortages in cities and only the government can solve these problems.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Many city dwellers find difficulty in getting a suitable house in cities which is a major social concern.
Some people think that authorities are the sole option to mitigate this issue and I completely agree with this notion.
My essay will shed light on the reasons why government is a better option compared to private housing companies.
Continuously increasing population has put a great strain on the cities, specially in the field of housing.
Though private housing firms can help to solve this problem to some extent, real responsibility for solving this issue lies with government authorities.
One of the most common challenges faced by city dwellers is to find a suitable accommodation in major cities.
As governments have both power and resources, I think authorities, not private housing companies, should come forward to solve this problem.
Private companies are more money minded/profit centered
make houses that are for wealthy people/ can sell quickly /
They can help only for the selected population
Governments can make laws/rules for instance higher buildings/apartments
Financially, governments are in a better position
experienced and dedicated engineers/access to technology
government can have a higher goal to curb this issue, instead of making money.
make house for the underpriviliged section of the society at affordable price.

Sample answer by Navneet

Due to the land scarcity in the cities, shortage of houses is the most prominent issue there. A part of crowd accords that it is the sole responsibility of the government to mitigate this problem. I completely agree with the given notion, as I believe that it is less burden-some for the authorities to deal with such issues by imposing stringent rules.

To commence with, there is a deluge of arguments to prove that housing issues can only be dealt by the government. The most pivotal one is that government can restrict the area of land a people can own, in order to provide everyone with the availability of enough land to construct houses. Secondly, they can also restrict the number of houses a family can own, since the people, who belong to an affluent family, often own more than one house and creates shortage of housing for others. Thus, these restrictions would demotivate people from possessing extra land or houses.

Additionally, in the crowded places government should only allow the builders to make apartment buildings to construct several flats to provide homes to many. Though people often desire to have a detached house, which is impossible to build due to unavailability of land, apartment building will make it less troublesome to deal with insufficient number of houses. For instance, in Mumbai people cannot buy a piece of land to construct homes for them, instead government has sold the land to the builders to construct the sky scrapers to accommodate multiple families inside a single structure. Certainly, this idea of construction of tall buildings will help in providing accommodation to many.

in summary, undoubtedly, people only follow the legitimate rules, therefore it is less burdensome for the authorities to deal with any issue in the society. Hence, only government can overcome the problem of inadequacy of housing.


Sample answer by Savreet

Growing population in urban areas has resulted in housing shortages and it has various social consequences. Some people are in favour of the notion that the problem can only be solved by the government. I too agree with this idea and I would like to put some spotlight on the reasons for why it is true, in the upcoming paragraphs.
To embark with, there are several loopholes in the housing land distribution and the only authority that can deal effectively with it, is the government. In metropolitan areas like Mumbai the land is not fairly distributed among the population. It is said that this city has a semblance of both hell and heaven. To justify, one part of the city is very clean with lavish mansions of celebrities while the other one has piles of dilapidated elbow rooms stacked upon one another. It can be seen that more than ten people have to share the same room as the land is too costly. Hence, the government can look upon the appropriate disbursement of land. Also, the government can impose restrictions on the area purchased by an individual or a family. For instance, they can make a set of rules which implies an average amount of land a family or an individual can buy. It will certainly lower the prices of land to touch the bar of affordability of a common man.
Secondly, governments can encourage private housing companies to erect tall buildings. This would kill two birds with one stone. One is, the desire of people to have private homes and the second being, utilising vertical space as land available is limited but sky has no limit. Building skyscrapers would be so helpful because a multi-story building can serve multiple purposes merging all important offices into one in the heart of a city. Government can put some restrictions on private companies who tend to build new estates with only two storeys and all houses built similarly as this is not a wise utilisation of land. Moreover, private companies are business-oriented so all they can build is to obtain maximum profit. Therefore, the sole authority that can help in eradicating the issue of inadequate housing is the government.
In conclusion, I would like to state that governments can plod forth by constructing and implementing some housing strategies to curb the problem of lack of accommodation effectively.

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