Essay 17

Many parents today do not spend much time with their children.

Why is this?

Does this affect parents or children more?
No doubt, parents are not able to spend enough time with their children. Multiple reasons can be associated with this development, and the brunt of this negative situation is borne more by children.
Parents spending less time with children has become a norm nowadays. Society is paying the price for modern life styles and the worst affected are the vulnerable children.
Sad truth of today’s modern world is that parents do not have time to spend with their children. Financial priorities and distractions have caused this situation, which is hampering children’s behaviour the most.


hectic and busy work life/both parents work
high cost of living/cost of living/education/demanding life style
competitiveness/rat race/desire to excel
technical gadgets/social media/engrossed in the virtual world/parents are addicted to passive entertainment
children are more vulnerable/early life gets impressed by bad ideas and notions easily
are in process of moulding their behaviour and habits
need care and advice from parents along with time
social media/television/bad company impact children quickly/distractions instead of books/
difference of right and wrong is not clear
Sample answer: Navneet

Many parents today do not spend much time with their children.

Why is this?

Does this affect parents or children more?

In this contemporary era, people want to reach the pinnacle of their career, leaving behind everything. There are several parents, who are failing to give adequate time to their children. Though this hamper the bond between parents and children, it puts a devastating impact on children and they get affected far more than their parents.

To commence with, there are several reasons that why parents do not spend enough time with their offspring. The primary one is that most of the parents are working and their working hours are too long, which stop them from staying more at home. For instance, Doctors not only work at hospital most of the time but also, they make themselves available on call, which hinder their family life. Moreover, parents enroll their children to several tuition classes, as a result, parents and children get less time to spend together. Thus, due to aforementioned reasons parents become unable to spend more time with their children.

Along with it, this failure of parents to give sufficient time to their children put deteriorating impact on children. As children are innocent, they are too immature to differentiate between right and wrong and in the absence of parents and they often get involved in immoral activities. Similarly, since children are vulnerable, they often get disturbed if their relationship with their parents get hampered due to the lack of time they spend together. For instance, a survey proved that nowadays, majority of children are suffering with behavior disorders, as their parents do not spend a quality time with them and leave them unattended. Undoubtedly, this is making an irreversible damage to the personality of children.

In summary, busy schedule of parents stop them from spending time with their offspring, which is affecting the little ones badly.


sample answer from Savreet (attempt 1)

In these days, parents are struggling hard to give time to their wards due to work-life imbalance. This is affecting children far more than parents as they are immature and sensitive. The causes and impacts of the issue are delineated in looming paragraphs.

To embark with, in the era of high inflation it is an arduous task to maintain financial stability. To meet the needs of a family, both parents are working nowadays. As a result, children are the one suffering. For example, in a nuclear family, a toddler and his working parents are living in an apartment. A caretaker is responsible for bringing up their children. Although, infant memory is not indelible yet the connection between a parent and a child is somewhere lost which is irreparable as a child tread into his teenage. Now, this age is considered to be the most vulnerable to bad things and company. An immature mind with no restraints is the most favourable condition to indulge him into illicit activities. Hence, this affects their personalities shaping them into a bad person and sometimes they end up themselves in a danger too. Inculcating moral and ethical values into a child is parent’s responsibility. No one else can supplant what a mother or father can do for their children.

Moreover, it negatively impacts on their psychological health. It is tough being a teen today. With the pressures of social media, virtual school, bullying and raging hormones it’s a wonder any teenager survives intact. One illustration which is a paragon of how teenagers suffer is depicted in a movie ‘Chemical Hearts’. In this picture the protagonist tend to be a teenager who enlisted the psychological sufferings of a teenager. This is the time when they need their parents most to provide them guidance, love and making them feel protected and valued. The soaring cases of suicides, depressions, psychological abnormalities are heart-wrecking consequences due to the absence of aforementioned abstract parameters.

In conclusion, hectic schedules have attenuated the happy family times. As a result of which, both children and parents are suffering yet children are the worst affected by it.

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