Day 3 Essay sample Advantages outweigh

People are encouraged to get rid of  things in order to get the newest fashion and the latest technology.

Do the advantages of a throwaway society outweigh the  economic advantages?






A desire to look modern and fashionable  lures people into following novel trends and buying state-of-the-art products. Though this trend brings some economic benefits, drawbacks like overspending and environmental damage make it a wrong choice to  make.

To start with the drawbacks of use and throw culture are too severe, particularly for the environment. Not only production of goods damages the environment, but  packaging material used also puts a big burden on our planet. Various  chemicals along  with  fossil fuels are needed for creating  a single item. Moreover, the byproducts of this always end up in water contamination or soil degradation. This is evident from the fact that  most  of the polluted cities in world are  those which are industrialized like Delhi and Shanghai.

Apart from this, the tendency of buying new items costs dearly to the household budget. More often than not, products discarded are those which can still be used or repaired. But, rather than using them, people go for  the newer  products to either show off or under  peer pressure. Such phenomenon is more evident for  expensive items like IPhones.  Therefore, it  can be  clearly seen that people usually ignore  their budget and go for commodities which are not their  immediate  need.

However, there are  some economic benefits of use and throw culture. This tendency to buy more brings employment opportunities. As it is natural that in order to sell more products, first these commodities are to be manufactured, advertised, and  then sold. All these steps bring a lot of job opportunities for young and old alike. For instance, in India and China, many new factories and malls are opened on a regular  basis for consumer goods. Hence, it is evident that  throwaway  culture aids in generation  of jobs, and eventually in economic development.

To conclude, despite financial merits of use and throw  culture, it  is a bad practice for its damaging effects on both environment and household budgets. If  these  are paid  attention to,  the adverse impacts can be  reduced to a large extent.

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