Day 13 Sample answer Both views/your opinion





Some people believe that success in life  depends on hard work and  determination, while others believe that other factors like money and personal appearance are important. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.



Although there are some who credit success to diligence and perseverance, there  are others who find success in money and  looks. I personally favor the  former perspective: however, my essay shall dwell upon both  the viewpoints in the  subsequent paragraphs.



To start with the  first view, why hard work and determination are crucial to achieve goals. In order to do anything worthwhile, an aspirant certainly  needs to put his best  efforts, that  too beyond his comfort zone. For  example, Indian cricketer, Virat  Kohli, reached the  epitome of  success, only due to his diligent  nature. Along  with being  industrious, it is also  crucial not  to lose focus and  carry  on with zeal. Hence, both hard work and determination play a pivotal  role in achieving  success.




In addition to hard work and determination, two more factors money and appearance are also given credit for success. Since the final gauge/measure for success is usually considered money, it is better to have it in the beginning. It is a known fact that in most  of the businesses, capital is a prerequisite, as is evident from many big corporates in  India like Reliance, Tata and Birla who are  rich for generations. If  along with good finance, a person possesses the  skills to be presentable, the path to  success  definitely becomes easier. Therefore, good financial background and looks are also of great significance to succeed.



To my mind, hard work and  determination are on a higher pedestal/place. The world is full of examples  where people from  affluent  families and nice looks were not  able to get their  desired targets.  On the other hand, numerous  rags to riches stories are  also quite popular. Many good actors, singers and sportsmen could not  carry their success/fame  to their children.



To  conclude, hard work as well as determination can do wonders in any field, though significance of money  and look cannot be  ignored. However, when compared rationally, persistent diligence always has an upper hand.



 Success is ever  elusive and to find exact ingredients is a herculean task. Though many scholars search for this  goal in hard work and determination, there are others who find looks and  financial background a more suitable  choice. Both the  views along with  my inclination to consistent industrious nature will  be  discussed in upcoming paragraphs.




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