Day 10 Sample Essay Cause, Positive/Negative





Many supermarkets are selling more  and more products that are  imported from other  countries instead of selling food that  is locally sourced.

What are the  reasons for this?

Is this a  positive or negative  development?



Since people, now, are more quality conscious and their purchasing power has  increased, it is possible for  supermarkets to sell food items from other parts of  the world. This trend is beneficial for  both consumers and farmers of the developing countries.



There are two main reasons why supermarkets are  keen to sell foreign food items. Firstly, such imported products are usually better as these items undergo  multiple quality checks. Nowadays, consumers are quite  specific/interested for better  quality fruits and other  such products. Also, they do not  mind  paying extra because they can afford a higher cost. As economy of most of the countries in Europe and America is in good shape, even middle class people also go for fruits and fish from other countries.



As such, this  trend gives people a chance to have  variety in food. Currently, people in France can taste mangoes from India or tuna from China, which  were earlier a rare delicacy limited only for the rich.  Many of the farmers in  Asia and Africa are benefitted financially from this  change. Reason being, their  crop is sold at  a good price with only condition that they maintain international  standard. Therefore, I  feel it is a good outcome as far as consumers and producers are concerned.



To conclude, people’s increased purchasing power and also their desire to taste exotic foreign food have  given such a place on  shelves of supermarkets. Such change brings variety  for consumers and more money  for the  farmers.



Rapid growth in transportation and technology has  allowed supermarkets to sell food products from other parts of the world. This  is  definitely a positive change as it provides consumers  a variety to choose from and is economically beneficial for developing countries’ farmers.



Two reasons can be attributed to this sudden surge of imported food items’ sale in big supermarkets. Compared to  local foods, such items usually go through rigorous quality  checks. This results in a better standard of food, though at a little higher price. But, even that is not an issue anymore. People from Europe and America, thanks to their economic prosperity, can pay  additional amount, especially their middle class community. Hence, one can see supermarkets flooded with  foods from around the globe.

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