Complex Structures:

Complex structures:


In order to/so that/by doing this (purpose/way to achieve something)

Government needs to conduct programs to aware people about global warming.

In order to aware people about global warming, the government must conduct programs.

Government should conduct programs so that people become aware about global warming.

By conducting awareness programs, government can enlighten people about global warming.

Credit cards are safe to use.

In order to have safe transactions, people prefer credit cards.

By using credit cards, people can make safe transactions.

People use credit cards so that they can make safe transactions.

Public transport is a cheaper mode of transport.

In order to save money, people use public transport.

By using public transport, people can save money.

People use public transport so that they can save money.


Good handwriting leads to better marks.

Healthy diet leads to a healthy body.

Communication skills are needed to get a good job.


Relative clause:

That is yet another reason why public transport is important.

We find cars wherever we look in a city.

Parents point out what may be the cause of indiscipline among teenagers. That is lack of moral values.

Parents point out lack of moral values which may be the cause of indiscipline among teenagers.

How long it takes to control the global warming depends on how soon world gets united against pollution.

Rohan is my friend.

Rohan is working in a firm.

Who: human Which: for rest

Rohan, who is my friend, is working in a firm.

Rohan, who is working in a firm, is my friend.

Ice cream is tasty.

Ice cream is not good for health.

Ice cream, which is tasty, is not good for health.

Ice cream, which is not good for health, is tasty.

Parents are the first teacher of children.

Parents teach moral values to the children.

Parents, who are the first teacher of children, teach moral values to them.

Parents, who teach moral values to children, are the first teacher of them.

Handwriting is crucial for good marks.

Handwriting helps to enhance creativity.

Handwriting, which is crucial for good marks, helps to enhance creativity.

Handwriting, which helps to enhance creativity, is crucial for good marks.

Number of female workers increased in the month of July.

Number of female workers decreased in the month of August.

The given line graph clearly suggests that/It is interesting to note that/It is crystal clear from the graph that number of female workers, which surged in the month of July, surprisingly plunged within a month.


Jasmine is my sister. She plays hockey.

Global warming is a serious concern. It is detrimental for human existence.

Chocolate making process has five steps. It is a manmade process.


There are many reasons for the increase of pollution.

There are many reasons why pollution is increasing.

The foremost reason for increase in pollution is industrialization.

The foremost reason why pollution is increasing, is industrialization.

Reason for lack of interpersonal skills among young employees is the current education structure.

The reason why young employees lack interpersonal skills is the current education structure.

The given diagrams show the chocolate making process.

The given pictures show how chocolate is made.

The given diagrams illustrate how chocolate can be made.

The given map shows the changes in the town of Wellington.

The given map shows how the town of Wellington is changed.

The given map shows how many changes were made in the town of Wellington.


Compare present with past:

Children spend a lot of time on social media nowadays.

Unlike the past, when children used to play outdoor games, nowadays they spend a lot of time on social media.

People eat fast food rather than homemade food.

Unlike the past, when people used to eat homemade food, nowadays they prefer fast food.

Parents do not spend time with their children.

Unlike the past, when parents used to spend time with their children, nowadays they are too busy in their hectic schedule.

People do work from home.

Unlike the past, when people had to go to office for their jobs, nowadays they have an option to work from home.

Unlike the past, when there was a requirement to go to office, nowadays people have a choice to work from home.

Unlike the past, when the only option was to stay at workplace for the whole day, now people can even work from the convenience of their home.


Children do not obey their parents and teachers.

Number of cars have increased.

Pollution is increasing at an alarming rate.


Preposition phrase:


I go to a coffee shop during weekends.

During weekends, I go to a coffee shop.

Pollution is increasing at an alarming rate.

At an alarming rate, pollution is increasing.

Number of cars has increased manifold in many metro cities.

In many metro cities, number of cars has increased manifold.

In many metro cities like Shanghai, number of cars has increased manifold.

Specifically, /particularly:

Number of cars has increased in metro cities.

Number of cars has increased in cities, specifically in metro cities.

Number of cars has increased in cities, specifically in metro cities like Mumbai.

Young children spend a lot of time on social media.

Children, specifically young children, spend a lot of time on social media.

Children, specifically who are young, spend a lot of time on social media.

Working women prefer to order readymade food.

Women, particularly who are working, prefer to order readymade food.

People prefer public transport to save money.

To save money, people prefer public transport.

To save money, people prefer cheaper transports, specifically transports which are public.

To save money, people prefer cheaper transports, particularly public transport.

To save money, people prefer affordable mode of transports, specifically public transport like metro in Delhi.


Reasons: Because/since/as/so/due to/owing to

I like ice cream because it is tasty.

Because it is tasty, I like ice cream.

Since it is tasty, I like ice cream.

Parents are not able to spend time with their children because they are busy in their hectic schedule.

Because parents are busy in their hectic schedule, they are not able to spend time with their children.

Since parents are busy in their hectic schedule, they are not able to spend time with their children.

Arts cannot be ignored because it generates creativity among children.

Because it generates creativity among children, arts cannot be ignored.

Since arts generates creativity among children, it cannot be ignored.

I like chocolates because they are tasty.

As chocolates are tasty, I like them.

Chocolates are tasty, so I like them.

Due to its taste, I like chocolate.

Owing to its taste, I like chocolate.

People prefer fast food because they do not have time to prepare food at home.

Since people do not have time to prepare food at home, they prefer fast food.

As people do not have time to prepare food at home, they prefer fast food.

People do not have time to prepare food at home, so they prefer fast food.

Due to lack of time to prepare home made food, people prefer fast food.

Due to lack of time, people prefer fast food over homemade food.

Owing to lack of time to prepare home made food, people prefer fast food.

Owing to lack of time, people usually prefer fast food over homemade food.

Usually/generally/mostly/most of the times/more often than not

Certainly/definitely/obviously/without doubt/No wonder/for sure


Conditional sentences:



Ice cream is my favorite dessert.

If one asks me about my favorite dessert, it is none other than ice cream.

Public transport helps to reduce traffic congestion.

If any government wants to reduce traffic congestion, the best way is to construct robust public transport system.

When there is a robust public transport system, it is easier to reduce traffic congestion.

Should parents take decisions for their children?

Parents are the first teacher of children and they always think better for them. So, they have a right to take decisions for them.

If one talks about the parents, they always think better for their children.

When parents take decision for their children, they will always take the best decision for them.


How to replace ‘and’

There are four ways:

Not only, but also

On the one hand, on the other

As well as

Along with that

Additionally, in addition to that

Rohan is intelligent and honest.

Rohan is not only intelligent, but also honest.

On the one hand, Rohan is intelligent. On the other, he is honest.

Rohan is intelligent as well as honest.

Rohan is intelligent. Along with that, he is honest.

Credit cards are safe to use in comparison of cash and also, they are convenient.

Credit cards are not only safer to use in comparison of cash, but they are also convenient.

On the one hand, credit cards are safe to use. On the other, they are more convenient than cash.

Credit cards are safer to use as well as they are convenient.

Credit cards are safe to use. Along with that, they are more convenient than cash.

Exercise Time:

Public transport system helps to reduce traffic congestion and pollution.

Parent teach right habits to children and also, punish them when they do wrong.

Music is a stress buster and an entertaining hobby.

Gurdas Maan is a melodious singer and a nice person.


As far as ……………… concerned

Ice cream is tasty.

As far as ice cream is concerned, it is tasty.

As far as taste is concerned, ice cream is a good choice.

Gurdas Maan is my favorite singer.

As far as my favorite singer is concerned, it is none other than Gurdas Maan.

Public transport is good for controlling traffic congestion.

As far as controlling traffic congestion is concerned, public transport is a good choice.

As far as public transport is concerned, it can help to control traffic congestion.

Exercise time:

Education helps to get a good job.

Handwriting is compulsory for better grades.

Space technology helps in telecommunication.

Nuclear power is a cheap source of energy.

Animals also have a right to live.

Fast foods are bad for health.


Contrast: Though/Although/Even though

We use them preferably in Introduction and Conclusion of the essays.

Contrast means when we talk something opposite.

For example:

I like chocolates. I do not eat them.

It is cold outside. He is not wearing a jacket.

Usually, we use ‘but’ to indicate the contrast.

I like chocolates but I do not eat them.

It is cold outside but he is not wearing a jacket.

Since our school time, we are using but, so I will use these sentences to make you understand how to use though/although/even though

First of all, when we use ‘but’, it is a compound sentence. When we use though/although/even though, it is a complex sentence.

I like chocolate but I do not eat it.

Though I like chocolate, I do not eat it.

You can also use although or even though in place of though. ‘but’ is replaced by a comma.

Although it is cold outside, he is not wearing a jacket.

Only in the case of ‘although’, we can use ‘yet’ after comma.

Although it is cold outside, yet he is not wearing a jacket.

We cannot use ‘but’ with any of these (though/although/even though)

Although I like chocolate, but I do not eat it. (this sentence is incorrect)

How to use this structure for paraphrasing:

Though some people believe ……(view)……., there are others who disagree.

Though some people believe handwriting is crucial for students, there are others who disagree.

Though a section of society opine ……(first view)………, there are many who believe ………(second view)………….

Though a section of society opine that parents must teach moral values to the children, there are many who believe this responsibility lies with school.

Introduction has 2 mandatory parts: paraphrasing and Thesis statement

We can also use this method in Thesis statement.

Essay type: what are the advantages and disadvantages of using a credit card?

Though there are many benefits of using the credit cards, its drawbacks cannot be ignored/overlooked.

Do advantages of credit cards outweigh disadvantages?

Though there are both advantages and disadvantages of using credit cards, I think merits easily overwhelm/overshadow demerits.

DAY 10

Usage of negative:

Public transport helps to control pollution.

Without public transport, it is very difficult to control pollution.

Unless a robust public transport is installed, it is not possible to curb pollution.

Good handwriting is crucial to get better scores.

Without good handwriting, it is really tough to get good marks.

A student cannot expect good marks unless he possesses good handwriting.

Unless a student’s handwriting is good, it is very difficult for him to get good scores.


Healthy diet is needed to have a good health.

A good command over English helps students to study abroad.

DAY 11

Neither nor/either or

Increase in petrol prices is neither helpful nor practical to reduce usage of private vehicles.

Children nowadays neither play outdoor games nor they prefer to read books.

In my view, money wasted on space programs can either be utilized on education or on health services.

At young age, children must either go for a physical activity or do something creative.

Rather than/instead of

Rather than spending time on social media, teenagers should spend time with their family members.

Instead of spending time on social media, teenagers should spend time with their family members.

Rather than making cash transactions, people prefer using credit cards.

Instead of making cash transactions, people prefer using credit cards.

Rather than eating unhygienic fast food, people must opt healthy homemade food.

Instead of eating oily fast food, people can go for healthy diet like fruits.

Despite/In spite of

Always have a noun phrase (or in simple words, no verb)

Despite many advantages like convenience and safety, it is always advisable to use credit cards with a caution.

In spite of immense cold outside, people prefer eating ice cream during winters.

Despite being cheap source of energy, it is always dangerous to use nuclear power for electricity generation.

In spite of being environment friendly, renewable energy is not popular due to its high initial cost.

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