Category: Books

Vocabulary Makkar book 1 Test 15

. . Makkar Book 1 Test 15 Vocabulary . . . internship few and far between unfamiliar resources hierarchical ethical subordinates alliances critical dramatically vision

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Makkar 1 test 13

Makkar 1 test 13 vocabulary . . . innovationthe introduction of new things, ideas or ways of doing something entrepreneurshipthe activity of making money by

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Cambridge 4 Test 3 vocabulary

decentparticipantinitiativecircumstancesbackgroundtypicallydearthviolencebreakdownexposedemploymentabuselabor-intensiveentrepreneurflexibleinnovativewagesessentialrelevantabideimpoverishedseekingcriticalencouragehighlightend uppovertybusinessenoughslightlylendambitiousrealisticeruptentirecraterconsiderbrittleoverlapsqueezesurviveharvestassociatedemergeemitintensiveforeignuttertonguenormobjectivetechniqueenableclaimaccurateprocedureanticipatecontextaccessibletranscription

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Vocab for essays, 2

Vocabulary for IELTS Essays » And: In addition to, besides, additionally, likewise, plus, furthermore, moreover, next, additionally. » Or: Else, otherwise, alternatively, instead, as a

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Connectors/linking words for Essay

Linking sentences/phrases for Task 2/Essay Introducing the topic Some people argue thatThe question raises the issue ofIt cannot be ignored/denied thatWith the advancement of the

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Adjectives for people

Vocabulary for Appearance: attractive, good-looking, beautiful, handsome, lovely, pretty, cute, nice: Plain, homely, unattractive, ugly Face type: (round, oval, square, rectangular) face, regular features, delicate

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Vocabulary day 6

All the words are taken from Cambridge IELTS readings. Meanings and examples are taken from Cambridge online dictionary. disaster (an event that results in) great

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