Category: Tips & Tricks

Reading Task strategies:

Reading Task strategies: Don’t leave any answer blank, as there is no negative marking. Please divide your time for each passage, keep an eye on

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Essays in Real IELTS tests

25th February, 2023 Evening Today foods travel thousands of miles from the farm to the consumers.Why is this?Is it a positive or negative trend? 25th

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Different essay introductions

Practice Essay introductions Topic Some employers believe that job applicants’ social skills are more important than their academic qualifications.Do you agree or disagree with this

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Essay structure

Structure of writing task 2 Opinion Essay Agree/Disagree: A view point is given in the question statement and the candidate is asked whether he is

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Essay sentences improvement 1

Essay sentences improvement Let’s start:….People do higher studies for knowledge, respect, career and to be aware about various cultures… Apart from the career, people seek

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IELTS Exam overview

IELTS stands for International Enlish Language Testing System This exam consists of 4 parts ListeningReadingWritingSpeaking There are two types of IELTS test.Academic IELTSGeneral IELTS The

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