Category: Reading

MCQs and gap fills

taken from internet .27. The writer refers to visitors to New York to illustrate the point that .A. exploration is an intrinsic element of being

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Headings test 1

Taken from the internet A. Artificial intelligence (AI) can already predict the future. Police forces are using it to map when and where crime is

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Reading PCI test 1

. . . . A Since cosmetics and perfumes are still in wide use today, it is interesting to compare the attitudes, customs and beliefs

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Basic understanding of reading 2

Reading Basics part 2….Artificial intelligence (AI) can already predict the future…Police forces are using it to map when and where crime is likely to occur…Doctors

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Reading Gap fills 1

. . . In English, Vikings are also known as Norse or Norsemen. Their language greatly influenced English, with the nouns, ‘Hell’, ‘husband’, ‘law’, and

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