Cambridge Book 1 test 2 listening answers

Cambridge Book 1 test 2 listening answers

Section 1

1.Student accommodation/hostel

2.Awful food

3.Not friendly//kept to themselves(do not accept ‘lonely’)

4.Lecturers (too) busy

5.Regular meetings// meetings with lecturers/fortnightly meetings


7.Lot of noise/children made noise/difficult to study

8.Student house

9.(Bachelor of ) Computing

  1. Reserve computer time

Section 2

  1. Mountain
  2. Quality
  3. $2000
  4. Short/casual rides
  5. Town riding/shopping
  6. Serious touring
  7. Similar/almost the same
  8. Better quality (components)
  9. Buying clothes
  10. Frames

Section 3

  1. B
  2. C
  3. D
  4. B
  5. One bunch
  6. 15 months
  7. Uphill//on hillsides
  8. Lots of/plenty of water
  9. Plastic bags
  10. Bananas/one (to) ripen
  11. C, D (either)
  12. C, D (either)

Section 4

  1. B
  2. D
  3. C
  4. Cooking
  5. (regular) daily intake
  6. (a) variety
  7. The dark/the fridge/a cool place/a dark place
  8. Eat in moderation//not too much
  9. Eat lots/eat most

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