Cambridge 4 test 1 listening answers

Cambridge 4 test 1 listening answers

  1. Shopping/variety of shopping
  2. Guided tours
  3. More than 12/over 12
  4. Notice board
  5. 13th February
  6. Tower of London
  7. Bristol
  8. American Museum
  9. Student newspaper
  10. Yentob
  11. Coal firewood
  12. Local craftsmen/craftsmen
  13. 160
  14. Woodside
  15. Ticket Office
  16. Gift Shop
  17. (main) Workshop
  18. Showroom
  19. Café
  20. Cottages
  21. A
  22. C
  23. E
  24. B
  25. G
  26. F
  27. C
  28. D
  29. A
  30. B
  31. Cities/environment
  32. Windy
  33. Humid
  34. Shady/shaded
  35. Dangerous
  36. Leaves
  37. Ground
  38. Considerably reduce/decrease/filter
  39. Low
  40. Space/room

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