Author: nitin bakshi

Points Pollution/Global warming

Taken from the internet causes of environmental pollution Environmental pollution is caused by a variety of factors, including: Industrial and manufacturing activities: Industrial and manufacturing

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Idea generation Arts

Taken from the internet Should arts be taught in schools Yes, I believe that arts should be taught in schools. Art education is an essential

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Ideas for Advertisements

taken from the internet Need for advertisements Advertisements serve as a crucial tool for businesses and organizations to promote their products, services, or ideas to

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Idea generation Space technology

These ideas and information is taken from internet Space technology has become increasingly important in recent decades for several reasons: Communication: Space technology has revolutionized

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Ideas for the Handwriting topic

These ideas are taken from the internet. Good handwriting can provide numerous benefits, including: Legibility: Good handwriting is easy to read and understand, which can

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Reading PCI test 1

. . . . A Since cosmetics and perfumes are still in wide use today, it is interesting to compare the attitudes, customs and beliefs

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Basic understanding of reading 2

Reading Basics part 2….Artificial intelligence (AI) can already predict the future…Police forces are using it to map when and where crime is likely to occur…Doctors

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Reading Gap fills 1

. . . In English, Vikings are also known as Norse or Norsemen. Their language greatly influenced English, with the nouns, ‘Hell’, ‘husband’, ‘law’, and

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Speaking Basics 1

Basic questions with template answers . . Do you live in a house or a flat? I live in a house.In my town, …………, people

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