This report concerns a bar chart, which compares Scotland’s exports in different areas of industry to the rest of the UK with its exports to the rest of the world in 2014.
In general, Scotland exports more to the rest of the world than to the rest of the UK in all the industries mentioned with one exception. The Electrical & Instrument Engineering industry exports are 4 billion pounds to the rest of the UK compared to 2.3 billion pounds going to the rest of the world.
In other industry sectors, the difference in exports is most significant in the Business Services & Finance, Hotels & Restaurant Services Industry with exports to the rest of the world worth 13.8 billion pounds and exports to the UK worth only 1.7 billion pounds. Other significant sectors are Chemicals & Mineral Products and the Wholesale & Retail industries.
In conclusion, exports to the rest of the world are clearly more significant to the Scottish economy than those to the rest of the UK.