Map Grange Park 1920

The plans below show a public park when it first opened in 1920 and the same park today.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

You should write at least 150 words.
The maps outline the changes that took place
in a public park named Grange Park
from 1920 to today

Overall, the park has obtained/got/acquired a lot during the given period with many additonal facilities for the people as compared to the time it was started.

new facilities like/such as café/theatre/playground and parking were included in the park
It is evident that park has been transformed significantly, as far as facilities are concerned.

To start with,
It can be clearly seen that
initially there was a stage for musicians on the left of a fountain, which was situated in the exact center of the park.
It is interesting to note that there were 3 rose gardens in the three different corners of the park, except for the south west side, which was occupied by a glass house.
Two entrances in the north and south of the park were used by people from Arnold Avenue and Eldon Street respectively.
Adjacent to 2 Rose gardens, there were four seating arrangements for visitors comfort.
Also, a sitting arrangement is also visible on the far west side of the park in center of pond and Glasshouse.

Compared to past, a lot of changes have taken place in the park.
Firstly, small stage for musicians has been developed into a bigger Amphitheater for concerts, which is provided with a good seating arrangements
Surprisingly, center fountain is replaced with a rose garden with seats on its four sides.
This change is accompanied with the removal of 2 earlier rose parks, except for the rose park next to Arnold Avenue entrance.
It is evident from the map that only thing that has not changed is the entrance, still there are 2 same entrances that were there in the beginning.
A drastic change happened in the north east corner, where pond and rose gardens are replaced with a café adjacent to children’s play area.
Additionally, Glass house is replaced with water feature. This is the same area for entrance with underground car parking.

Since its inception, many entertainment facilities and recreation areas have been included/added/installed in the Grange Park.
Initially/in the beginning, there were only two gates for entrance in the park but, now there is one more entrance constructed from the underground car park.
Three rose gardens in nearly all directions of the parks are replaced by a single big rose garden in the center of the park, fountain at the same place is removed completely.
Earlier, there were many seats in all directions of the park however, seats are not limited around central rose garden.
Furthermore/moreover, a large Amphitheatre for concerts, which was earlier a small stage for musician, is a main/major addition for entertainment in the park.
Water pond and glasshouse have given way to children’s play area and water feature respectively
The most striking change is in the center of the park where the fountain has been removed in favor of a rose garden with full seating around it.

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