Book 1 Test 1
Cambridge 1 Test 1 Leap Perhaps Enhance Divine Random Accidentally Primitive Wrap Date back Efficient Striking Isolated Rush in Hazard Resemble Succumb Eventually Exploit Temperature
Cambridge 1 Test 1 Leap Perhaps Enhance Divine Random Accidentally Primitive Wrap Date back Efficient Striking Isolated Rush in Hazard Resemble Succumb Eventually Exploit Temperature
It is predicted/estimated/projected/forecasted/expected/anticipated that ______________ will ________________ . is/are predicted/estimated/projected/forecasted/expected/anticipated to ________________________ . It gives prediction/estimation/projection/forecast of _____________________ . It _______________________ will ___________________________ . _______________________
Please make sure that you use present simple/indefinite tense in this type of question. Also, have a good command over passive voice for the same
Horizontal, vertical circle, square, rectangle across under, over, inside, beside, on top of, adjacent, opposite, next to along, through, as far as mid point, halfway,
Here, you can find the vocabulary that will help you with your graphs. It is useful for all types of graphs like line graph, bar